SunnySky R1104 Micro Drone FPV Brushless Motors

SunnySky USASKU: SS-R1104-5500

KV: 5500
Sale price$12.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tremayne D.
Sunnysky R1104micro motor

Bought this for the Flik wing I'm currently setting up. This was the recommended motor size for this wing, to help keep the weight under 250g.

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Stator Diameter 11mm Weight 6g
Stator Thickness 4mm Rotor Diameter 14.2mm
No.of Stator Slots 9 Body Length 11.6mm
No.of Rotor Poles 12 Max Lipo Cell 3-4S
Motor Kv 5500 ESC 10-15A
No-load current 0.4A/10V Recommended Prop(inch) 2030*3/3020*2/2035*4
Motor Resistance 178mΩ


Max Continuous Current 14A/30s
Max Continuous Power 235W


Prop(inch) Voltage(V) Amps(A) Thrust(gf) Watts(W) Efficiency(g/W) Load temperature in 100% throttle
DYS2030*3 11.1 0.6 20 7 3.00 45℃
1.38 40 15 2.61
2.1 60 23 2.57
2.9 80 32 2.49
3.7 100 41 2.43
5.8 145 64 2.25
12.5 0.6 20 8 2.67
1.3 40 16 2.46
2.07 60 26 2.32
2.8 80 35 2.29
3.55 100 44 2.25
4.4 120 55 2.18
5.2 140 65 2.15
6.7 172 84 2.05
GF2035*4 11.1 0.6 20 7 3.00 48℃
1.4 40 16 2.57
2.2 60 24 2.46
3.2 80 36 2.25
4.2 100 47 2.15
5.3 120 59 2.04
6.4 140 71 1.97
8.2 171 91 1.88
12.5 0.5 20 6 3.20
1.3 40 16 2.46
2.1 60 26 2.29
3 80 38 2.13
3.9 100 49 2.05
5 120 63 1.92
6.1 140 76 1.84
7.3 160 91 1.75
8.6 180 108 1.67
9.7 200 121 1.65
14.8 0.5 20 6 3.13 60℃
1.3 40 17 2.40
2.1 60 27 2.23
2.9 80 37 2.16
3.8 100 49 2.06
4.9 120 63 1.91
6 140 77 1.82
7.2 160 92 1.74
9.8 207 125 1.65
16.5 0.4 20 7 3.03
1.1 40 18 2.20
1.8 60 30 2.02
2.6 80 43 1.86
3.4 100 56 1.78
4.4 120 73 1.65
5.5 140 91 1.54
6.6 160 109 1.47
11.9 250 196 1.27
13.2 275 218 1.26
3020*2 11.1 0.5 20 6 3.60 55℃
1.05 40 12 3.43
1.7 60 19 3.18
2.37 80 26 3.04
3 100 33 3.00
3.8 120 42 2.84
4.5 140 50 2.80
5.4 160 60 2.67
6.4 180 71 2.53
7.4 200 82 2.43
9.9 252 110 2.29
12.5 0.4 20 5 4.00
0.9 40 11 3.56
1.5 60 19 3.20
2.2 80 28 2.91
2.22.8 100 35 2.86
2.84.3 140 54 2.60
4.35.9 180 74 2.44
5.96.8 200 85 2.35
6.89.4 250 118 2.13
9.411.6 297 145 2.05


Stator Diameter 11mm Weight 6.5g
Stator Thickness 4mm Rotor Diameter 14.2mm
No.of Stator Slots 9 Body Length 11.6mm
No.of Rotor Poles 12 Max Lipo Cell 2-3S
Motor Kv 7500 ESC 10-15A
No-load current 0.6A/10V Recommended Prop(inch) 2030*3/3020*2/2035*4
Motor Resistance 115mΩ


Max Continuous Current 16A/30s
Max Continuous Power 200W


Prop(inch) Voltage(V) Amps(A) Thrust(gf) Watts(W) Efficiency(g/W) Load temperature in 100% throttle
DYS2030*3 7.4 0.9 20 7 3.00 61℃
1.9 40 14 2.84
2.9 60 21 2.80
4 80 30 2.70
5.1 100 38 2.65
6.6 120 49 2.46
8.4 0.85 20 7 2.80
1.75 40 15 2.72
2.8 60 24 2.55
3.8 80 32 2.51
4.9 100 41 2.43
6 120 50 2.38
7.7 144 65 2.23
11.1 0.7 20 8 2.57
1.5 40 17 2.40
2.5 60 28 2.16
3.5 80 39 2.06
4.4 100 49 2.05
5.3 120 59 2.04
6.3 140 70 2.00
7.3 160 81 1.97
8.4 180 93 1.93
10.6 215 118 1.83
12.5 0.6 20 8 2.67
1.4 40 18 2.29
2.3 60 29 2.09
3.2 80 40 2.00
4.2 100 53 1.90
5.2 120 65 1.85
6.1 140 76 1.84
7 160 88 1.83
8 180 100 1.80
9 200 113 1.78
10.1 220 126 1.74
12.1 256 151 1.69
3020*2 7.4 0.6 20 4 4.50 58℃
1.3 40 10 4.16
2.2 60 16 3.69
3.1 80 23 3.49
4 100 30 3.38
5.1 120 38 3.18
6.2 140 46 3.05
7.5 160 56 2.88
8.8 180 65 2.76
11.2 215 83 2.59
8.4 0.6 20 5 3.97
1.3 40 11 3.66
2 60 17 3.57
2.9 80 24 3.28
3.8 100 32 3.13
4.8 120 40 2.98
5.8 140 49 2.87
7 160 59 2.72
8.1 180 68 2.65
9.4 200 79 2.53
11 220 92 2.38
12.7 247 107 2.32
GF2035*4 7.4 0.95 20 7 2.84 60℃
2 40 15 2.70
3.4 60 25 2.38
4.7 80 35 2.30
6.3 100 47 2.15
8 120 59 2.03
9.2 133 68 1.95
8.4 0.87 20 7 2.74
1.8 40 15 2.65
3 60 25 2.38
4.3 80 36 2.21
5.6 100 47 2.13
7.1 120 60 2.01
9 140 76 1.85
10.6 160 89 1.80
11.1 0.6 20 7 3.00
1.5 40 17 2.40
2.6 60 29 2.08
3.8 80 42 1.90
4.9 100 54 1.84
6.4 120 71 1.69
7.7 140 85 1.64
9.2 160 102 1.57
10.9 180 121 1.49
13.8 225 153 1.47
12.5 0.5 20 6 3.20
1.3 40 16 2.46
2.3 60 29 2.09
3.4 80 43 1.88
4.5 100 56 1.78
5.8 120 73 1.66
7.1 140 89 1.58
8.2 160 103 1.56
9.8 180 123 1.47
12.5 220 156 1.41
15.7 266 196 1.36



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