The M4 kits fit and finish is excellent throughout. I really like the design overall, and particularly the direct drive concept. Kit parts were well organized in bags that followed the assembly sequence in the manual. The manual has very clear drawings which were really all I used. The text is limited (typical of most kits I've built), and omitted details that experienced builders won't miss, but newer builders might.
I haven't flown it yet, but have run it up repeatedly (no blades) for governor setup. It runs extremely smooth and quiet. Honestly, the best I've seen - So quiet, I actually didn't believe my RPM telemetry when I set it up, and got out my tach to verify.
The main shaft was an extremely tight fit in both the one way bearing and the main bearings in the servo mount column. I polished mine (1500grit paper), which resolved the issue completely.
BuddyRC shipped it out quickly, and has a good part selection. I'll be back.